Guys, We really need your help on this so that we can continue serving this site.
This site only relies on ads to have the means and pay all the services needed to make available in the web. As you can see, we do not have a donation system as we do not want to rely on that. At the moment, we are experiencing huge drop on this sites revenue and having trouble getting enough to pay the services.
Ads helps us pay all the services needed to make this free website possible, so please consider supporting us by whitelisting on your Chrome browser and/or ADblocker.
Here are some ways to do it
How to Allow Pop-Ups in Google Chrome?
When Chrome is blocking a ads or pop-up on our website, it will display an icon with a red X in the corner of the Omnibox.
If you suspect this is an error and want to see pop-ups from this website, click on the icon to see site-specific options, select “Always Allow Pop-ups and Redirects” and then click “Done.”
After you click “Done,” refresh the page to save your choice and see any intended pop-ups on this website.
How to turn off my Ad Blocker?
1. Navigate to any webpage on the website you want to whitelist.
2. Locate and click on the AdBlock Plus icon in the toolbar of the internet browser you use.
3. Click on Enabled on this site, and it will change to Disabled on this site and the site will be reloaded. This is when you’ll know that AdBlock Plus has been successfully disabled on that specific domain and all of the webpages on it and that the domain has been whitelisted.
More: To un-whitelist a whitelisted site in AdBlock Plus, simply go to a webpage on the target website, click on the AdBlock Plus icon in the toolbar of your browser and click on Disabled on this site – it will be changed to Enabled on this site and AdBlock Plus will go back to blocking advertisements on all of the pages on that specific website.
Thanks for your support,
freegogpcgames team