Giants: Citizen Kabuto DRM-Free Download – PC Game – Full GOG Version
Title: Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Genre: Action – TPP – Sci-fi
Works on: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11)
Languages: Audio and text: English
Features: single-player – multi-player
Released: December 7, 2000
Company: Planet Moon Studios / Interplay

About this game:
Before man climbed down from the trees to shop in megastores and drink cappuccino, before the Earth wadded itself into a cool blue ball, before the Moon even existed, there was the Island. The Island, a massive fragment of a long-lost planet, hurtling blindly through space. Upon the surface of this paradise wanders the giant, Kabuto. Little does Kabuto know that the Island was home to others before him. In the oceans, there dwells a matriarchal race called the Sea Reapers. In their pride, they created Kabuto, as a defense against intruders. But Kabuto became conscious of himself, his loneliness, his pain – and he went berserk.
Space castaways, the Meccs piloted their ship through space, looking for their missing friends. If you haven’t guessed already, they ended up on the Island. Faced with yet another unscheduled layover while on their way to Planet Majorca, the Meccs decide to make the best of their temporary home. Just their luck – the natives are already embroiled in their own little war, and the Mecc visitors are most unwelcome!
Meccaryns… Sea Reapers… Kabuto… One island isn’t big enough for the three of them.
– Three unique races, each with a totally different gameplay experience
– Bawdy humor that will keep you laughing throughout the game
– One of the most original games ever created
Minimum System Requirements:
Windows: (XP, Vista, 7, 8) 1 GHz Processor (1.4 GHz recommended), 256MB RAM (512 recommended), NVidia or ATI/AMD 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7 (compatible with DirectX 9 recommended), Mouse, Keyboard.
Compatibility notice: Intel graphics chipsets may work with this game, but we can’t guarantee full compatibility. Using a discrete graphics card is strongly recommended.
Screen Shots:

Giants: Citizen Kabuto (c) Planet Moon Studios
Before man climbed down from the trees to shop in megastores and drink cappuccino, before the Earth wadded itself into a cool blue ball, before the Moon even existed, there was the Island. The Island, a massive fragment of a long-lost planet, hurtling blindly through space. Upon the surface of this paradise wanders the giant, Kabuto.
More info here:
How to Download & Install:
- Click the DRM Free Giants: Citizen Kabuto v1.4 link below to download.
- Wait until client finishes downloading to 100% and then locate the file/s folder.
- Follow the step(s) to install:
– Run or Double click setup_giants_********. exe - Thats it, play and enjoy!
- You can support the developers by, if you like it BUY IT!
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Old Links and Patches
We are keeping some of the old links and patches to make sure you can revert back to old version if you have problem with the latest version.
Old Link/s:
Size: 901.97 MB
Giants: Citizen Kabuto (GOG)
Download Here⇩
Size: 1.18 GB
Giants: Citizen Kabuto v1.4 [GOG]